Life Insurance in Houston
Who Needs Life Insurance?
10 Ways You Can Use Life Insurance
A financial advisor or life insurance representative can also help you explore different life insurance options and should always be consulted for their professional opinions to help you make a choice.
1. Beginning Families
Life insurance should be purchased if you are considering starting a family. Your rates will be cheaper now than when you get older and your future children will be depending on your income. Learn more at Parents: How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
2. Established Families
If you have a family that depends on you, you need life insurance. This does not include only the spouse or partner working outside the home. Life insurance also needs to be considered for the person working in the home. The costs of replacing someone to do domestic chores, home budgeting, and childcare can cause significant financial problems for the surviving family. Learn more at Parents: How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
3. Young Single Adults
The reason a single adult would typically need life insurance would be to pay for their own funeral costs or if they help support an elderly parent or another person they may care for financially.
You may also consider purchasing life insurance while you are young so that by the time you need it, you do not have to pay more due to your age. The older you get, the more expensive life insurance becomes and you risk being refused if there are problems with the life insurance medical exam.
Otherwise, if one has other sources of money for a funeral and has no other persons that depend on their income then life insurance would not be a necessity.
4. Homeowners and People With Mortgages or Other Debts
If you plan on buying a home with a mortgage, you will be asked if you want to purchase mortgage insurance. Buying a life insurance policy that would cover your mortgage debt would protect the interest and avoid you having to buy extra mortgage insurance when you buy your first home.
Life insurance can be a way of securing that your debts are paid off if you die. If you die with debts and no way for your estate to pay them, your assets and everything you worked for may be lost and will not get passed on to someone you care about. Instead, your estate may be left with debt, which could be passed to your heirs.
5. Non-Child Working Couples
Both persons in this situation would need to decide if they would want life insurance. If both persons are bringing in an income that they feel comfortable living on alone if their partner should pass away, then life insurance would not be necessary except if they wanted to cover their funeral costs.
But, maybe in some instances one working spouse contributes more to the income or would want to leave their significant other in a better financial position, then as long as purchasing a life insurance policy would not be a financial burden, it could be an option. For a low-cost life insurance option look into Term Life Insurance or consider first-to-die life insurance policies where you pay for only one policy and the death benefit goes to the first to die.
6. People Who Have Life Insurance Through Their Work
If you have life insurance through your work, you should still buy your own life insurance policy. The reason you should never only rely on life insurance at work is that you could lose your job, or decide to change jobs and once you do that, you lose that life insurance policy. It is not strategically sound to leave your life insurance at the hands of an employer. The older you get the more expensive your life insurance becomes. You are better off buying a small backup policy to make sure that you always have some life insurance, even if you lose your job.
7. Business Partners and Business Owners
If you have a business partner or own a business and there are people relying on you, you can consider purchasing a separate life insurance policy for the purpose of your business obligations.
8. Buying Life Insurance on Your Parents
Most people don't think of this as a strategy, buy it has been used and can be a smart thing to do. Life insurance on your parents secures a death benefit to you if you put yourself as the beneficiary of the policy you take out on them. If you are paying their premiums you will want to make sure you make yourself an irrevocable beneficiary to secure your investment.This way when your parents die, you secure the amount of the life insurance policy. If you do this while your parents are young enough, it may be a financially sound investment.
9. Life Insurance for Children
Most people would suggest that children do not need life insurance because they have no dependents and in the event of their death, although it would be devastating, life insurance would not be beneficial.
10. Life Insurance In Retirement or in Senior Years
As long as you do not have people depending on your income for support, purchasing a new life insurance policy at this stage in life may not be necessary, unless you do not have any other means to pay for your funeral expenses or decide you want to leave money as a legacy. However at this stage n life costs would be high and you woudl have to pass a medical exam in many circumstances.
Source: thebalance
Life Insurance in Houston
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